What is a Bio Site?
Imagine taking the important areas of your business website such as your contact page, menu, and social media links and condensing that all into one single page with your branding and links to all services your businesses offer - that is a Bio Site in a nutshell.
Bio Sites are free website links that are like digital business cards, minimal, branded and show the important information you need to contact or find out more information.
With certain platforms, you can set up your restaurant, bar, cafe or food truck Bio Site profile that highlights the links you choose to show. By taking this Bio Site profile link and sharing it linking it to your Instagram and other social platforms, you can source audiences and increase the level of engagement directly to all information your business relies on.
How a Bio Site can benefit your Restaurant.
More so than ever, consumers look online to search, view and make a purchase decision and with a large portion of viewers doing this searching through Social Media platforms such as Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook it’s mission critical you supply these viewers with a fast experience to get to your menu, booking or delivery options and most importantly contact information.
Your links that define your business such as delivery and opening hours can be captured by your viewers in seconds and create a streamlined, reliable and collaborative experience.

Imagine you are a hungry customer and you come across an exciting Instagram page with amazing photos of your favourite food. Finding the menu, and business information from then on out is not a reliable or smooth experience. With a Bio Site in your profile you can now change that experience to be the best for your business and ensure solid engagement to your social profile converting into menu views, bookings, delivery and brand recognition!
What choices are there for restaurants?
There are a plethora of Linktree alternatives in the market today, some more tailored to restaurants than others. Whether you want to create a bio site for Instagram, Tik Tok or other social account, the below options are sure to help.
Linkin.bio (by Later)
Linkin.bio by Later allows for direct integration with Shopify for useful eCommerce analytics in addition to a wide range of theme editing tools.

Milkshake provides an easy way to create multiple Bio Sites for multiple social accounts and simply switch between them - a nice power user feature!
In addition to pure links, Milkshake touts itself as a mobile website tool, allowing ‘pages’ to be created easily.

Menuzen.site (by Menuzen)
Built specifically as a free website for restaurants, Menuzen.site contains unique features such as easily configurable opening hours, built-in location editing to show maps, linking your restaurant menu, quickly adding all ordering services with easy step by step instruction… as well as your standard customisable theming options.

Unfold (by Squarespace)
Created by Squarespace, Unfold contains some additional features that other Bio Site platforms don’t. Such as built in image editing, hundreds of prebuilt layouts and a pro paid tier which allows for publishable social stories, all managed from one place.

What are the benefits of selecting an industry specific Bio Site product?
With many linktree alternatives to choose from, it's important to remember your industry and what your Bio Site needs to highlight to your audience.
Many Bio Sites are designed to provide linking through to social channels and blogs which are designed purely for Social Media Influencers to grow their audience and connect multiple services from one link.
As a food service business there are key areas of focus of linking that can propel you to success or make the Bio Site redundant.
The key areas you must have on your Bio Site Linking Website as a restaurant, cafe, bar food truck or any style of business serving food is the following:
Branding & Imagery
The importance of connecting with your customer on your website has always been important. You do this by creating a seamless experience, ensuring your customers know they are on your profile with beautiful imagery and incorporating logos and branding.
Just like how you know you are at McDonalds when you see the Golden Arches and an image of a Big Mac plastered on the roadside banner.
Don't be afraid to drive the branding piece hard, and really show what you are about!

Social Links
Linking to your social platforms is important and more so than ever before. Your Profile Link is shared through your social media channels and if a customer lands on your Instagram and wants to navigate to your Facebook page or Whatsapp it’s important this acts as a gateway to connect your customer across all platforms you are on.

Delivery and Booking Links
From Instagram to an online order in minutes, sounds good doesn't it! This is where a Linking website can really drive massive traffic and results for your restaurant and takeaway business. Within your linking website you have the ability to add multiple links including linking via a simple website URL to your delivery or booking partners.
Allowing a viewer to see all information in a snapshot such as menu, location and opening hours and make a split second decision to book or order online through your profile and one simple tap!

Custom Links
Get creative as you want and link literally anything you can think of that can benefit your business.
Google Maps to assist your audience in finding your location easier - food trucks, caterers and mobile popups think of the benefit and simplicity on both ends!
Google Reviews to allow a customer to swiftly link through to your reviews or better yet leave a review!
External partner platforms are an important part of certain businesses!
Link your existing website, use this condensed version of your site to faster attract customers and push them back to your main website. Think of a free Bio Site as a compliment to your existing website to better support your customer base.
And most importantly - Menus! Attach multiple menus to links and ensure you are running a tight ship, never have an outdated menu on your website again with control in your hands to make fast updates to all links. Certain systems such as Menuzen.com allow you to edit free menu designs meaning you only need to have one link on your site forever and can make updates on the fly.

Contact information
Opening hours and contact information that are clickable and link through to fast availability for your customers is a must for certain businesses (mostly all businesses who care for customers!)
Ensure your information is up to date on the go from day to day, week to week or month to month and manage all links and your business information in seconds!
Shareable Link
The world is used to the Share Button thanks to apps who have paved the way for this icon. Linking sites do an excellent job of providing a 2 tap system of sharing a profile with friends and family via any messaging or social platform.
This essentially allows your audience to grow, and fast!
I'm sold! So what is the cost of Bio Site Websites?
Majority of platforms offer a freemium model meaning that you have the ability to use products for free and add on or upgrade for certain features you need.
The most important thing when selecting a platform is making sure that you are selecting the right one for your business needs.
If you are a social media influencer products like LinkTree and Later are an awesome choice and have a free version to get started.
If you are a food service business, a hustling market stall or food truck, barista cafe, desserts shop, take away or fast food or even a michelin star establishment we recommend Menuzen.site
Menuzen.site is free forever and allows you as a business owner to create your own Bio Site for your restaurant in minutes, manage and update in seconds and share anywhere!